Not sure how to navigate the surety bond application and approval process? You’re not alone. Here’s our hot take on what you should know to avoid errors, delays, rejection, and wasting precious time and money after submitting your application.

We want you to get bonded as easily and quickly as possible. Follow these expert tips to avoid common mistakes.

We also have a helpful guide that provides step-by-step instructions on how to fill out your surety bond form on our website.

What Happens After Submitting Your Bond Application

After you fill out your surety bond application and submit it to ZipBonds, there are two possible outcomes:

  1. You’ll receive your bond instantly. This is the case for many license and permit bonds
  2. Your application will be sent to a surety bond company for underwriting. This happens when bonds require more comprehensive review or credit checks.

If we need to review your application before issuing your bond, one of our agents will follow up promptly using the contact info you provided. This could take a few minutes to a couple of hours after submitting your initial application.

How to Correctly Submit Your Bond to Your Obligee

Once you’ve sent your application to us, you can follow these steps to complete the approval process and file your bond with your obligee.

1. After Approval

We will send you your bond form. Afterward, you should double-check your bond requirement. This often comes from the obligee listed on your bond. 

2. Avoid unnecessary back and forth.

Make sure you understand your bonding requirements. If you need clarification, contact your obligee. This will ensure that your bond is submitted and where it needs to be as quickly as possible so you can start your business or next job.

3. You may need to sign in front of a notary.

You may need your bond signed by a notary public, who must also witness your signature. Ensure the correct person signs the form (the person or executive officer of your organization agreeing to the bond).

4. Avoid typos.

Ensure all the information on your bond form is complete, accurate, and exact – especially the bond amount. Any errors may put you at risk of rejection and starting the process over, wasting valuable time and money.

Apply for Your Surety Bond Today

If you have any questions while filling out the bond application or the steps that follow, call ZipBonds at (888) 435-4191. One of our agents would gladly walk you through the process to avoid mistakes and delays.