The Minnesota DOT maintains and enhances the state’s transportation infrastructure, including highways, bridges, and transit systems. For contractors, winning a MnDOT contract provides substantial revenue and a chance to contribute to critical public works projects. This guide will help you understand and navigate the qualification process for MnDOT projects.

What is MnDOT bid letting?

MnDOT bid letting refers to the formal process by which the Minnesota Department of Transportation announces upcoming transportation projects and invites contractors to submit competitive bids. The bid letting process ensures transparency and fairness in awarding contracts for infrastructure projects such as road construction, bridge maintenance, and highway improvements.

How does Minnesota DOT bid letting work?

Here’s how MnDOT’s bid letting process works:

  • Project announcement: MnDOT releases detailed information about upcoming projects, including project scope, location, timeline, and specific requirements. These projects are posted on MnDOT’s website and other platforms where contractors can access all necessary documentation.
  • Bid submission: Contractors interested in the project prepare and submit their bids, which include detailed cost estimates, proposed timelines, and plans for executing the project. Contractors must submit bids by a specific deadline and follow MnDOT’s submission guidelines closely.
  • Bid opening: MnDOT publicly opens all submitted bids on the designated bid letting date. This ensures transparency and allows for an open review process where contractors can see who is competing for the project.
  • Bid evaluation: MnDOT evaluates the bids based on several factors, including cost, contractor qualifications, experience, and compliance with project requirements. The contract is typically awarded to the lowest responsible and responsive bidder.

MnDOT schedules bid lettings on specific dates throughout the year, and contractors should regularly check MnDOT’s procurement resources for updated information on available opportunities. You’ll find the 12-month letting schedule on the Bid Letting page of the website.

Who is eligible to bid on construction projects?

To bid on MnDOT construction projects, contractors must meet several eligibility criteria to ensure they have the financial stability, experience, and resources to complete large-scale public infrastructure projects successfully. Here are some of the required qualifications for contractors bidding on MnDOT projects:

  • Register with the Minnesota Office of the Secretary of State. 
  • Provide a proposal guarantee of 5% of the bid price. You may use a bid bond.
  • Some projects require special permits or licenses.
  • Make sure you have a federal tax identification number and a Minnesota tax identification number. 
  • Do not use suspended or debarred parties as material suppliers or subcontractors on projects.

Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Participation

In addition to the general qualifications, MnDOT actively promotes the participation of Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBEs), including minority-owned, women-owned, and veteran-owned businesses. The DOT encourages these businesses to bid as prime contractors or participate as subcontractors on larger projects.

MnDOT sets DBE goals on many contracts to ensure equitable participation in state projects. This provides a unique opportunity for DBE-certified businesses to grow and compete in the public sector.

How to Qualify for MnDOT Bid Letting

1. Register with MMB and get a SWIFT vendor ID.

Every vendor bidding on MnDOT projects must be registered as a Supplier with Minnesota Management and Budget. You must also register for a SWIFT vendor ID to be used as your bidder ID with Bid Express.

2. Complete the MnDOT vendor form.

Email your completed MnDOT vendor form to

3. Subscribe to Bid Express.

You must submit all your bids through Bid Express at Once added to the Bid Express vendor table, you can create your bidder ID (the same as your SWIFT vendor number).

4. Download “Project Bids.”

After your digital ID is active, you can download the free Project Bids software and electronic bid files. 

5. Use E-Plan Room.

You can use E-Plan Room to view or purchase proposals, plans, and plan holder lists when projects are advertised for bid.

6. Acknowledge addenda.

You must acknowledge all addenda to avoid bid rejection. Do so by downloading files into your electronic bid file.

7. Prequalify for bidding.

Before bidding on a project, make sure your business meets all pre-letting requirements. These are listed under Step 7 of the “Bid Letting” page.

8. Submit a bid.

Using Bid Express, you may complete electronic bid files, acknowledge addenda, and submit bids to win projects with MnDOT.

Get the Bonds You Need for MnDOT Construction Projects

Qualifying to bid on MnDOT projects can be a smart option for contractors looking to grow their public sector work. Following this guide and preparing thoroughly will help you navigate the MnDOT qualification process.

For additional assistance with bonding needs related to MnDOT projects, contact ZipBonds by calling (888) 435-4191 or email We’re always happy to help!