Category Archives: Surety Bonds

Is Marijuana Legal for Users & Growers in Oklahoma in 2022?

Seed Cannabis Co. with an Oklahoma marijuana bond

Various bills have recently been filed regarding the production, use, and regulation of cannabis in Oklahoma. Lawmakers are proposing many changes to the state’s marijuana industry, including a $25,000 bond requirement – regulated by the Oklahoma Medical Marijuana Authority (OMMA).  The state is also considering adding marijuana rights to the Constitution. During the 2022 November […]

What is an SBA-Guaranteed Surety Bond?

Small business partners excited about their SBA bonds

SBA bonds are surety bonds guaranteed by the Small Business Administration. Today we’ll take a deep dive into SBA bonds to help you understand what they are and if they’re suitable for your project. The Basics of Surety Bonds Contractors and construction companies often utilize surety bonds. A surety bond is a three-party agreement guaranteeing […]

Regulations Around Surety and Insurance

working on surety regulations for construction job

Understanding Surety Bonds We’ve already done an in-depth explanation of what surety bonds are, but we’ll sum it up briefly. A surety bond is a three-party agreement, a written contract between the principal, the obligee, and the surety. The document is issued by a surety and legally compels the principal to fulfill contractual services or […]

What is an Instructional School Bond?

facility that requires an instructional school bond

An instructional school bond is a type of surety bond. Many states require schools to acquire these bonds to ensure their academic institutions faithfully fulfill contracts and agreements. Colleges and private schools often handle large financial transactions and are required to abide by strict regulations. If you’re a dean, private school board member, another college […]

What Is the Difference Between Insurance and a Surety Bond?

“You want to find a contractor that is bonded and insured.”  You hear this sentiment echoed all the time, from contracting companies screening new hires to homeowners considering a renovation. And it’s absolutely true. As a contractor, being insured and bonded is a fundamental part of the job description.To compete in the job market as […]